Statement of Faith

We recognize the continuing evolution …

… of our thinking and of the Light revealed to us. Our Meeting is united in refusing any kind of systematic theological statement. We prefer to be Doers of the Word and not Hearers only. We acknowledge the Christian roots of the metaphors by which we seek to be guided by the Spirit—the Word, the Seed, the Inner Light, the Inner Guide, the Living Christ, the Still Small Voice. Understanding that the Light is universal, and that the Seed is present in everyone, we do not find it distressing that we are not in unanimity about whether or not we consider ourselves Christian. We are in unity as to seeking truth in stillness.

– Statement of Faith (Pelham Meeting – Quakers in Niagara) 12 June 2009

The theological beliefs of Friends vary from strong Evangelical Christian beliefs, to Christian universalist, and to very liberal universalist beliefs.