Quaker Resources

Canadian Friends

Canadian Yearly Meeting (CYM) is the corporate body of Quakers from Newfoundland to Vancouver Island. It meets annually to consider and make decisions on issues of concern to Friends.

Canadian Friends Service Committee was founded in 1931, and acts on the peace and social justice concerns of Quakers in Canada.

Canadian Young Friends The website of Canadian Young Friends Yearly Meeting is updated sporadically.

Canadian Quaker Archives and Library quaker.ca/archives

Canadian Friends Historical Association cfha.info

Quaker Learning

Faith and Practice was created by Canadian Yearly Meeting to provide support, guidance and growth to the spiritual lives of Canadian Friends. By serving as a reference of our values, witness and tradition, the book connects our small community spread across a large country. 

QuakerSpeak is a Quaker YouTube channel. We interview Friends of all different backgrounds and ask them the core questions of our faith. QuakerSpeak interviews are personal and intimate. We seek to give viewers worldwide an experience that is entertaining, informative, inspiring, challenging, inviting, unifying and collaborative. New videos come out every other ThursdaySubscribe here.

Quaker Quest helps people find out about the Quaker way of life.

Woodbrooke is an international Quaker learning and research organization based in Britain. We provide opportunities for learning, connection and worship which are rooted in the Quaker tradition and open to all. Our mission is to foster the ‘vital ministry’ of Quakers today and our learning programme allows participants to deepen their understanding of the Quaker way, explore spirituality, support their communities and be inspired to bring about wider change the in world.

Video: Is Quaker Worship Meditation?


Friends General Conference (Philadelphia) Friends General Conference provides services and resources for individual Friends, Meetings, and people interested in the Quaker way. FGC is an association of regional Quaker communities in North America working together to nurture a vital Quaker faith. fgcquaker.org

Friends United Meeting (Richmond, Indiana) is an international fellowship of Christ-centered Friends (Quakers) working together in the areas of Leadership and Resource. fum.org

Friends World Committee for Consultation encourages fellowship among all branches of the Religious Society of Friends. fwcc.world


The Canadian Friend is the magazine of Canadian Yearly Meeting and is currently published three times a year to further the work and witness of the Religious Society of Friends in Canada.

Friends Journal is published by Friends Publishing Corporation (US). Our mission is to communicate Quaker experience in order to connect and deepen spiritual lives.

The Friend (UK) provide news, features, personal stories, arts, humour to keep up to date with contemporary Quaker thought and action.

Quaker Life (FUM) is a quarterly publication which reports and reflects on how, as individuals and communities, Quakers live our faith.

Quaker centres

Camp Neekaunis is a camp founded and run by Canadian Quakers. On the shore of Sturgeon Bay, near Waubaushene, Ontario, it welcomes people of all ages and from all walks of life.

Pendle Hill is a Quaker study and retreat centre in Pennsylvania, U.S.A.